Aerial Instructor CertificationAPPLICATION Payment is handled directly and separately. The Information You Provide on this form is nOT shared or sold in any form. Aerial Fitness Training byAerial Fun Fitness Become An Aerial Fitness Certified Trainer Name Email Phone # Age Address Emergency Contact Relationship Emergency Contact Phone Emergency Contact Email Track Interest (You Can Change Later) Teacher Training Personal Intensive Which Dates Are You Applying For? Which Location Are You Applying For? Delaware Pennsylvania Do You Currently Hold Certification? Yes No If YES, How Many Hours and Where From? What is your experience with any type of fitness industry teaching experience? (i.e. when you started, how long you have been studying, or teaching . etc) Please describe your current fitness routine (i.e. what type of fitness activities do you enjoy? (i.e. style and number of classes you take a week and where, etc.) Do you have other relevant experience, either personal or professional? How did you discover Aerial, and what draws you to this unique style? What type of Aerial experience do you have? In what direction do you see your Aerial Fitness teaching or i how your personal intensive going after completion of AFTT? Do you have any physical limitations? What do you hope to gain from the teacher training or personal intensive? What is your favorite color? Do you currently own a hammock? Yes No How did you find our or hear about Aerial Fitness training? SUBMIT 5/5 (1 Review)